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Our Top 3 team outings on the beach

The top 3 most popular team outings on the beach of Scheveningen, Hoek van Holland, Kijkduin, Zandvoort and Katwijk. Teambuilding at Beleving aan Zee!

Escape The Beach team outing

#1 - Escape The Beach - The Abandoned Lighthouse

Years ago, this lighthouse was abruptly abandoned, and since then, stories have circulated about hidden secrets and lost treasures. Your mission is to solve the riddles and puzzles with your team that will reveal the lighthouse's secrets. But beware, time is ticking! With a time limit of 1.5 hours, teams must work together to unravel the mysteries of the lighthouse. The adventure requires both physical and mental effort, where teamwork and communication are essential. Each team member plays a crucial role in solving challenges and gathering clues.

Escape The Beach
Who is the Jellyfish team outing

#2 - Who is the Jellyfish

Have you ever wanted to experience what it's like to be the Mole or a candidate after watching the nerve-wracking TV show β€˜Who is the Mole’? Who is the Jellyfish is an exciting team outing where teams perform tasks while simultaneously hunting for the Jellyfish.

Who is the Jellyfish Indoor Winter offer
Road to El Dorado team outing

#3 - Road to El Dorado

Do you know the legend of El Dorado? Now you can embark on this adventurous quest on the beach in search of El Dorado's gold! A team game where teams must overcome visible and invisible dangers to safely take home the gold.

Road to El Dorado
Powerkiting team outing

#4 - Powerkiting

Beach, wind, and fun – what more could you want? Powerkiting, of course! After a short instruction on using the powerkite (powerful kite), you'll get started right away under the guidance of enthusiastic instructors in groups of at least two people. We have a wide range of kites so that powerkiting can be done in both strong and light winds. During the lesson, you can switch to larger and more powerful kites. Large kites for those who want to experience the power of the wind; small kites for those who want to relax.

Sherlock team outing

#5 - Sherlock

From board game to active experience on the beach. You might know the traditional board game Cluedo: players try to figure out as quickly as possible where, by whom, and with what weapon a murder was committed. Beleving aan Zee has transformed this board game into a suitable beach team outing called Sherlock.

  • βœ”Specialist company outings & corporate events
  • βœ”Team building & fun guaranteed
  • βœ”Scheveningen + more beach locations on the South Holland coast
  • βœ”Large groups: 500+ people
  • βœ”Something for all participants. Everyone enjoy!

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