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Nieke Verschaeren

We enlisted Beleving aan Zee for a corporate outing. We were a large (diverse) group. The team from Beleving aan Zee gave us an incredibly fun afternoon on the beach. With great enthusiasm, they got us involved in fun, challenging activities for both young and old, where teamwork played an important role. Throughout the day, everyone grew closer, got to know each other (even) better, and, above all, had a lot of fun. Nothing but praise, we thoroughly enjoyed it!
  • Specialist company outings & corporate events
  • Team building & fun guaranteed
  • Scheveningen + more beach locations on the South Holland coast
  • Large groups: 500+ people
  • Something for all participants. Everyone enjoy!

The following companies went before you:

Aegon teamsuitje
AFAS bedrijfsuitje
BAM bedrijfsuitje
Heineken bedrijfsuitjes
Campina bedrijfsuitje
Ministerie teamuitje
Politie bedrijfsuitje
Shell teamuitje
Winford bedrijfsuitje
T-mobile teamuitje
Unilever bedrijfsuitje